Ice Age Europe Magazine

A Tour through the Palaeolithic of the Swabian Jura

Jeany Weisheit and Hannes Wiedmann, Museum of Prehistory Blaubeuren, June 2024

In 2017, UNESCO declared six caves in the Swabian Jura a World Heritage Site under the title "Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura." Divided between two valleys, these include the Sirgenstein, the Geißenklösterle, and the Hohle Fels caves in the Ach Valley, as well as the Bockstein and Vogelherd caves and the Hohlenstein-Stadel in the Lone Valley. These sites were selected due to their incredible and unique archaeological finds and their significant contribution to understanding human history.

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In conversation with... Susan Peeters, Erasmus University Rotterdam

The interview was conducted by Melanie Wunsch, Head of Exhibition at Neanderthal Museum, May 2024

Susan Peeters lives in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and is a PhD researcher within the Erasmus School of Philosophy (Erasmus University, Rotterdam). She holds a master’s degree in Biological Psychology and in Behavioral Biology. A first paper, “Neanderthals as familiar strangers and the human spark: How the ‘golden years’ of Neanderthal research reopen the question of human uniqueness”, setting the stage for the current project, was published in 2020 (Peeters & Zwart 2020).

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Virtual Reality. Accessible to everyone?

Elisabetta Flor, Alessandra Pallaveri and Luca Scoz, MUSE - The Science Museum of Trento, April 2024

Have you ever tried to fly over a mountain, dive into the depths of the sea or burrow down into the bowels of the earth? Definitely not experiences for everyone!
Technology can come to our aid with the virtual reconstruction of environments usually inaccessible or accessible only to a few. In all of this, museums, as places of knowledge and inclusion (as also stated in the new ICOM definition of a museum approved at the congress in Prague in August 2022), can play a strategic role in experimenting with the use of new technologies to expand the range of our possibilities of knowledge. But what are the limits of these applications?

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